
- 有限单群(有限单群分类定理,子群结构,共轭类等)
- 置换群及其在组合结构上的作用
- 线性代数群与李型群
- 有限群的表示
- 有限\(p\)-群
- 图的谱理论

This is a platform for young group theorists and graph theorists (mostly PhD students) to talk about their research and related topics online. The topic can be anything related to group theory and graph theory, including but not limited to the following.

- Finite simple groups (CFSG, subgroup structures and conjugacy classes)
- Permutation groups and their actions on combinatorial structures
- Linear algebraic groups and Lie type groups
- Representations of finite groups
- Finite \(p\)-groups
- Spectral theory of graphs



Our usual time is Wednesday 16:00-17:00 (GMT+8).

Forthcoming Seminars

September 25th: 吴培然 Peiran Wu (University of St Andrews)
Zoom 616 601 4311 (passcode: gts2024)
October 9th: Marco Barbieri (University of Pavia & University of Milano-Bicocca)
Zoom 616 601 4311 (passcode: gts2024)
October 23rd: 谢贻林 Yilin Xie (SUSTech)
Zoom 616 601 4311 (passcode: gts2024)

The Next Seminar

Title: Turning the classification of groups of order \(pq\) into Lean code

Speaker: 吴培然 Peiran Wu (University of St Andrews)

Time: 16:00-17:00 (GMT+8), Wednesday September 25th

Location: Zoom: 616 601 4311 (passcode: gts2024)

Abstract: Lean is a programming language designed for interactive theorem proving – formalising mathematical definitions, statements, and proofs as computer code. Owing to a decade of community efforts, the language's mathematical library "Mathlib" has seen very fast growth and currently contains more than 1.5 million lines of code. However, the library still lacks many basic results in group theory. In joint work by me and Scott Harper, we formalised a classification of groups of order \(pq\), where \(p\) and \(q\) are two arbitrary prime numbers. I will give a quick introduction to Lean, explain how we structured the code in the project, and share what we learned along the way.

Other Confirmed Speakers

Jiaping Lu (University of St Andrews)

Current Organizers

陈俊彦 Junyan Chen (SUSTech)
丁兆宸 Zhaochen Ding (University of Auckland)
黄弘毅 Hong Yi Huang (University of Bristol)
尹富纲 Fu-Gang Yin (Central South University)

The seminar is currently based at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech, 南方科技大学).